No Corrupted or Inaccurate Wisconsin Voting Machines

  • Post Category:elections

From the Green Lake County Dems and Friends

Save the Date: General Election, Tuesday, April 6, 2023

Remember: Vote for Janet Protasiewicz

The February 21 primary election is over and the Tuesday, April 4, 2023, general election will be here soon, before we know it. Absentee ballots for the April election will be sent out when clerks receive them, early in person voting begins Tuesday, March 21 followed by election day, April 4.

All Wisconsin voters can rest assured that the voting machines in Wisconsin record and tabulate all votes cast accurately and fairly. After the November 8, 2022, election a routine audit (the largest post-election audit in state history) was conducted, no voting equipment errors were found. The audit found just six human errors.

The state directed local officials to do a hand audit of about 222,075 ballots or 8.4 % of the total ballots cast in the November election to check the accuracy of the voting machines used. The audit looked at four races on each ballot. 888,300 ballots positions were reviewed.

The voting machines worked as expected with no machine errors. The 6 human errors of concern included three absentee ballots where creased lines went through an oval and were counted as overvotes. A stray mark on the ballot, a tear in another ballot, and a ballot marked in green ink also affected how the machines read those ballots. Whenever humans are involved, there are bound to be a few errors no matter how diligent and dedicated people are. Bringing these errors to the forefront will help avoid such errors in the future.

The Wisconsin Elections Commission, three Democrats and three Republicans, voted unanimously to accept the results of the audit. Democratic commissioner Ann Jacobs stated that the result should reaffirm the accuracy of Wisconsin elections. Robert Spindell, a Republican commissioner, said the result was “remarkable” and “(The audit) should give confidence to the people of Wisconsin that the machines worked properly.”

What is even more “remarkable” is that Robert Spindell, one of the 10 fake electors from Wisconsin for Donald Trump, still sits on the Wisconsin Elections Commission. He sat on the commission in 2020 and still wanted to steal Wisconsin’s 10 electoral college votes for Trump. Thankfully, this did not happen and Joe Biden, the real winner with 21,000 more votes than Donald Trump got Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes.

It is also “remarkable” that Spindell in an email bragged about Republican efforts to suppress Black and Latino votes in Milwaukee. Further he bragged that the “important decrease in Democrat votes… was due to a well thought out multi – faceted plan.” 37,000 fewer votes were cast in Milwaukee in the November 2022 than in 2018. Most of these votes were in Black and Latino areas.

Why Robert Spindell, because of his actions, still sits on the Wisconsin Elections Commission is beyond comprehension. Yet, he is one of 6 Wisconsin Elections Commissioners. In 2019 then Senate majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald first appointed Spindell to the Wisconsin Elections Commission. He was more recently appointed by Republican Senate Majority Leader, Devin LeMahieu for a full five- year term. His term ends May 2026.

We hope that any questions about our elections are put to rest with the results of the audit. Tens of thousands of poll workers are dedicated and deserve our respect and support for the critical role they play. Poll workers, most of whom are volunteers, should not be badgered.

Isn’t it time that given the audit results and its acceptance by all members of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, including Spindell and his two Republican cohorts, we can put to rest the absurd nonsense that Joe Biden won the presidency only because of malfunctioning or corrupted voting machines?

We know for a fact that voter fraud did not take place in Wisconsin.