From Wisconsin Examiner: Operation Save America anti-abortion event offers mixed messages of calls to violence

  • Post last modified:July 31, 2023

From Wisconsin Examiner - BY: KELCIE MOSELEY-MORRIS - JULY 24, 2023 1:02 PM Click HERE to read the article on the Wisconsin Examiner website. Protesters filled several blocks of sidewalk outside A Preferred Women’s Health Center of Atlanta on Friday morning. Many wore T-shirts and held signs to declare which side they were on, and…

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Governor Evers Signs Bipartisan Housing Bills

  • Post last modified:June 30, 2023

From the office of Governor Tony Evers Hey there, folks. Governor Tony Evers here.The need for affordable housing is one of the issues I hear most about as I travel across our state—it’s also an issue that connects the dots between some of the most pressing challenges facing our state today.Simply put: expanding access…

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Default on America Act is Republican Extremism

  • Post last modified:May 23, 2023

From the Green Lake County Dems and Friends The Republican controlled House did not hold a single hearing on the Default on American Act, the Democrats’ name for the MAGA Republican backed extreme measure to pay America’s bills. As Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee Senator Whitehouse (D. RI) explains, ‘MAGA Republicans’ dangerous bill…

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