Our Candidates - Scroll down to read about each of them.

Michael Beardsley

His top two priorities are:
1. Simplifying healthcare by removing the for-profit private insurers and instead introducing a public non-profit plan to rid the current system of confusion, high costs, tying to employment, and lack of coverage for all.
2. Fighting climate change with urgency on multiple fronts. The high level initiatives include a Carbon Tax and the Green New Deal.
Other priorities include, in no particular order:
- Increasing protections and relief for farmers
- Investing in public education
- Supporting and compensating teachers to their true value
- 4-year public university debt-free
- 2-year community college and trade schools tuition-free
- Legalizing cannabis for agricultural, medical, and recreational use
- 12 week federal parental leave policy
- Reinstate Net Neutrality and classify internet as a public utility
- Remove corporate money from politics
- Pro-union in every sense of the word
- Fully supporting LGBTQ+ rights
- Support and protect women’s rights
- Increase the minimum wage and tie future growth to productivity
- Invest in a fully sustainable regional/national electric high-speed rail network
- And more!
Matt Boor is an executive in business development in Manitowoc, WI. In his early career, he worked as a
project manager and technical advisor in wind energy projects across the US. His expertise in the field
led him to take over the Wind Energy Technology program at Lakeshore Technical College before
transitioning to his current position in the private sector. Matt has an MBA from Marquette and a
Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from DePaul University. Although he is new to running for
public office, he believes Wisconsin’s 6th District is ready for new leadership from a new type of
Matt Boor has worked in the renewable energy sector for over 15 years. While some can say they
support renewables and sustainable living, Matt has made it his career. He understands the field from
both a technical and business perspective and is uniquely qualified to bring the promise of next
generation energy solutions to Wisconsin to improve not only its environmental standards, but also
bring economic opportunity and stability to the region.
Matt Boor will work to create more opportunities and revenue streams in rural Wisconsin that not only
include agriculture but go beyond it to include a new vision for Wisconsin’s bright future. He believes
that agriculture, renewable energy, expanded broadband access, and legal marijuana can all contribute
to a revitalized rural economy. Boor says, “In 2020, Wisconsinites need broadband to do everything
from taking a college course to applying for jobs to researching what kind of car they should purchase.
As we develop a service-based economy, we need the infrastructure to support it.”
When elected, Boor plans to revisit the Authorized Use of Military Force Act. “We have been at war for
more than 18 years. This is a period of time longer than World War I, World War II, pre-stalemate
Korean War, and the Civil War combined. A congressional vote is required to fund wars and acts of war.
This is Congress’ serious and fiscally responsible obligation, and they are in dereliction of it.”
Jessica King

Jessica’s family has called the 6th Congressional District home for 5 generations. Jessica King is a UW-Oshkosh graduate, lawyer, former Oshkosh Common Council member, and former State Senator. In 2011 Jessica became the 4th person in the history of Wisconsin to win a recall election, when she was elected to serve in the State Senate. Today Jessica is running for the 6th Congressional District to ensure a strong, safe, healthy, and sustainable Wisconsin. Jessica’s goal is to make sure that the 6th Congressional district of Wisconsin is thriving for her family and yours for generations to come, by focusing on healthcare, Wisconsin farming, and education.